Oh, this is the start of something good

Det blev (tyvärr?) ingen födsel till Pearl Jam's - daughter, även om resultatet blev just en "daughter". Vår finfint komponerade BB-cd hann inte ens snurra ut en endaste gång innan Stella kom till jorden. Nejnej, Stella kom redan när cd:n var inne på "utfyllnadsspåren" mot slutet på första lyssningen. Låten som hon valde att anlända till är kanske inte någon av våra absoluta favoriter, men fullt duglig och helt klart godkänd. Såklart. Annars hade den ju givetvis inte varit med på vår BB-cd. Vilken låt var det då? Jo, följande...

Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
I, haven't felt like this in so many moons
You know what I mean
And we can build through this destruction
As we are standing on our feet

So, since you wanna be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through

These reeling emotions they just keep me alive
They keep me in tune
Oh, look what I‘m holding here in my fire
This is for you
Am I too obvious to preach it
You're so hypnotic on my heart

The words you say to me are unlike anything
That's ever been said
oh what you do to me is unlike anything
That's ever been
Am I too obvious to preach it?
You're so hypnotic on my heart

Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?


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